The last 4 weeks of Term 4 the seniors have been going swimming. Our class and Room 19 decided to combine the swimming times. Normally each class gets 3 days a week to go swimming but now our classes have 5 days a week. On Mondays and Wednesdays the group that is still learning how to swim and float (Squirtles) has their lessons. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the group that is a little better at swimming (Blastoise) has their lessons. On Fridays everyone has lots of fun while both groups play games! :)
On Fridays we play netball in the pool. It's really fun and it's all about teamwork, - and being able to through and catch. :) I'm in the Squirtles group because I don't know how to swim properly. I have learnt how to float on my front, on my back and how to kick. I have already started learning freestyle swimming and I think I am very close to being able to do it properly.
Out of all the Squirtles in my class, my friend and I are the only ones that went swimming every single swimming day for Squirtles. I have lots of fun swimming aswell as learning. When we get changed before and after we are in the pool the girls and boys have a competition between eachother to see who can get changed the fastest. Normally girls win but it's pretty close to even scores.