Thursday, 28 May 2015

Term 2 Week 6

This week was a different sort of week for us in a very awesome way because we went to Te Tuhi! On Monday the year 5s of room 28/29 went to Te Tuhi to learn about vertical gardens. Luckily, instead of walking like we normally do, we got a ride in the Elm Park van, it took 3 trips to get even there. But we managed. When we got there we had a talk about some art on the walls an sculpture in the middle of the entrance room. Then we went to the art room and cut a bottle into a certain shape so we can put some pumice and then soil and a plant. But before that we decorated it with little stickers of yellow and red. I took a while for me to do mine because I found it really hard to peel it. Then when we put the pumice, soil and the plant into the plastic bottle we took of back by the sculpture. Then we went to a room where artist made art by taking photos of there work or of the city. There was one with incoming words that sometimes meant something and sometime, well, I didn't have a clue why they put them there. Next we went back to the sculpture and the van arrived, I was in the first load and as soon as we got back we started eating. I really enjoyed this trip and I'm so excited for the next trip to Te Tuhi next term.

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