Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Favourite Sports of Students in Room 20

  • Some of the most favourite sports in Room 20 was Swimming, archery and soccer.
  • There were heaps of sports with 0, some of then were Netball, Basketball, sailing and hockey.

My Reflection:

I am learning how to make graphs in Room 20. The first step was talking about Asking a question, then collecting data, then organizing, then displaying, then analyzing. This means choosing a question, then asking everyone and collecting their answers (data) and  then setting it up so you can read it properly (organizing) then displaying, then getting the answers and sharing (analyzing). We made some graphs using our bodies, with questions like What is you Favourite Color? and stuff like that. Then we learnt how to make a graph on the computers. I found this quite easy because I've had experience. My next step is to make another graph that is more complex and awesome!

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