Monday, 12 October 2015

Term 4 Week 1

My Holidays

In the short holidays after Term 3, I had found out that my step cousins were living at my Grandma's house while she was living with me. They were there because they sold their house and was about to move into a van. So, they invited me and my brother to come on the first Friday of the holidays. I said yes.

Later that evening, I had to pack for 3 nights, and so did my brother, then my Dad drove us there, I took my favourite pillow for the drive. My grandma's house is on a farm and it was out of Auckland, so it was pretty far away, it took about 2 hours to get there.

Once we arrived we took our stuff inside. My cousins were so happy to see me, they were right at the door waiting! When I first saw them, I thought a saw a vampire! But it was just paint on my cousin.

I have 3 step cousins, Bracken, Breeze and Reef. They were named that because their Mum is all about nature and art. Bracken, as in the bracken they used as beds in the older days, Breeze as in the wind breeze, and Reef as in the reef in the oceans. Bracken is the oldest, he's 11, Breeze is 8 and Reef is 5.

When we got inside the actual house, we were told there was a possum inside! When I saw it, it was walking around the Lounge. It was a little blinded on one eye. Reef said when he opened the door he just randomly walked inside! So he said it was his, and everyone agreed on it, it was more of his then anyone else. Reef decided to call it..... I forgot what it was a first, but at the time, his name was Nigel.

Breeze showed me the room we were going to sleep in, there was a bunk bed taken apart, so a normal bed, and then a high up bed, but in different places, then there was a mattress on the other side of the room, Breeze said I could choose between the two low beds, I just chose the mattress.

After I got all my stuff in place, I went to the lounge, there was a movie playing. I didn't know what it was called or anything, but it was a sky type of movie.

After the movie, Nigel went into our room, he started to crawl on my bed, after that I hated him.

The next morning, we decided to go down to the creek! Just across the road in a paddock, when we got there, we just jumped across, then we got a little board and went home.

Later that day, we came back, I didn't have any togs with me so I just used some cloths because we were going to get into the water. I got in a few times, but it was FREEZING cold! I got goose bumps and everything! Breeze went into the water a couple of times too. 

When we got back home I think we watched a movie or something, but I can't really remember what happened after that, it was 2 weeks ago.

The next morning after we had breakfast, we went to the stream, I went into the water, but not for very long, we were there for ages, about until lunch, when we did get back, we had lunch, we had yummy sandwiches..... hmmmmmmm....

Anyway, after lunch we went back to the stream, we did mostly the same as last time, going into the water and stuff.

When we got back we played with the sheep and cows that were in a paddock right next to us, then we asked to go on a hike, I had the idea of going to where the pinecones were, so Breeze, Reef, my brother and I went. Breeze was packing the cookies we baked earlier on, and I got toilet paper, just incase we got really far and someone had to go.

After about 45 mins of straight walking, we finally got there, but there were no pinecones anywhere! I was a little annoyed that we walked all this way for nothing, when we walked back we saw the lake we pasted before, there was mud all around it and I feel over into the mud while trying to get my foot unstuck. 

After I got to the other side (I was last there) we decided to eat. I was carrying the bag, so when I got into it, there was no food anywhere! We were all so hungry though.... We blamed this on Breeze, but got over it pretty quickly, after another about 30 mins of walking (it took less time because we were going mostly down hill) we made it back, we told my Auntie what happened, she just laughed.

After everything that happened that day, we had dinner, then my Dad came, he had some more stuff for me because I was staying 2 more nights! :D My brother also had to go home though, which I didn't at all care about. x^x

After that, we watched a movie, I think.... Then we went to bed, I was trying to get to sleep so I could make the nights go faster, and it worked, eventually.

The next morning I think you can guess what we did.... Went to the stream. When my dad got me some more stuff, he got togs as well, so I put them on, after we got back from the stream, some friends of Breeze, Bracken and Reef arrived, I forgot their names, but there were two boys, straight away, we went to the stream.

Bracken came this time, and he actually got in the water, along with the older brother of their friends, I got in as well, we decided to travel one way down the stream, at one part there was a big log or something a I fell over, luckily I didn't get my shoulders under water, because if I did, I would have been screaming!

When we got a little further, the path got skinny and we decided not to go that way, so we went back the other way, there were HEAPS of red dragonflies, all around us, and they kind of annoyed me, we didn't get that far before it got REALLY, REALLY, REALLY deep! So we just went back, after that we went back home and Bracken and his friend  played this game, I forgot what it was called, while the rest of us was just drawing.

There were alot of other cool stuff we did that holiday, but I think I've written HEAPS! Enough for all of you guys, let's just say we went back to the stream quite a lot and my sister and my cousins came, when I got home I went to bed, the next morning I played minecraft!

After this awesome time, I was looking forward, I did some counting and apparently, I breathed 6800120009 times! Wow! And that was only in the day time! (I think). I really enjoyed these holidays and I hope I'll be able to go back again!

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