Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Term 4 Week 5

This week I'm going to talk about a really boring subject:

Reading :l

On Monday I went to the library, I issued 2 books, both by Andy Griffiths. I got "Just Shocking" and "Just Doomed". I really like those books, the "Just" series. There's Just Crazy, Stupid, Tricking, Shocking, Doomed, Annoying, Disgusting and more! There are also lots of other books by him and they are all really cool and funny! In fact, I red a book to my step-cousin and she was cracking up laughing through it!

My personal favourite is in Just Stupid or Just Crazy, I think it's Just Stupid, yea, it is, I'm 99.9% sure it is, anyway, it's called "Expel Me!" and "Dum-dum" they are soooooooo funny :D

They are all filled with funny stories, right now I'm reading Just Shocking and Just Doomed, I read 1 story from 1 book, then change around. (I'm so smart!)

By the way, I've read all the books in the "Just" series if I didn't say that already.

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